Now——Jan. 29
Buy CHITUBOX Pro Yearly Subscription get extra 30 days = 13 months

Buy CHITUBOX Pro(Monthly&Yearly) 

can participate in the Lucky Spin Wheel and gets a chance to
a printer from ELEGOO or Phrozen 

or high-precision model files
or Resin Package+ BEST coupon from chitusystems and FREE CHITUBOX Pro license
And More surprises awaiting you!!!


During the Chinese New Year's Holiday (Now ---- Jan. 29)

When you enter you will able to participate in the Lucky Spin Wheel.

The Prizes are:

An exquisite STL. model file from Tiger3DPrinting

15% OFF coupon from chitusystems for 3D related products shopping

30% OFF or 22% OFF for One-Year CHITUBOX Pro license

Price-Break Discount for ELEGOO online shopping:

Save $10 on orders Over $100

Save $20 on orders Over $200

Save $30 on orders Over $300

.........Up to

Save $100 on orders Over $1000

20% OFF for Phrozen online shopping

$100 Voucher for Phrozen MINI 8K


What’s more?!


during this time can win more prizes!

The Prizes are:

Exquisite STL. model files from BULKAMANCE



Chitusystems Resin Package worth $120

One-Year CHITUBOX Pro worth $169

ELEGOO Saturn S—worth $500 (Free Shipping)
ELEGOO Mars 2 Pro—worth $249.99 (Free Shipping)
Phrozen Sonic Mini 3D Printer—worth $239.99——Notes: If you win this priner you need to pay for both the shipping fees and tax.