新一代的3D打印树脂: 与其他标准树脂相比,Aceaddity Elite系列3D打印树脂采用了升级研发的配方,在颜色和细节方面提供了更惊人的表现。与8K 3D打印机配合使用效果最佳。 高精度和低收缩率: Aceaddity研发团队进行了广泛的测试和验证,使得Aceaddity Elite系列3D感光树脂在保持低体积收缩率的同时提供了非常高的打印精度。特别是在打印有复杂细节的模型时,表面将是惊人的光滑,有清晰的细节和精确的尺寸。 流动性好,粘度低: Aceaddity Elite系列3D感光树脂具有接近水的流动性,在打印过程中可以快速回流和填充,提高打印的成功率。低粘度有助于减少对FEP薄膜的粘附,易于脱模,延长脱模薄膜的寿命。 不易碎,气味少: Aceaddity Elite系列3D感光树脂由优质原料合成,气味极低,易清洗,固化后硬度高,有一定韧性,不易碎。在去除支撑物以及清洗和上色的过程中,不易损坏,所以可以非常容易地得到高精度、紧凑的3D打印模型。 应用广泛: Aceaddity Elite系列3D感光树脂与大多数LCD和DLP 3D打印机高度兼容,并适配8K分辨率的打印机。它可以用于各种应用,如精密模型打印,复杂的原型设计,微缩型模型。
We have created AMD-3 material for modelling artists with one purpose in mind: to bring to life even the slightest expressions of your characters and miniatures. Finest features like hair and wrinkles are captured when printing with this 3D resin and allows you to materialize it just as you have envisioned it.
AmeraLabs Dental model resin DMD-21 LED stands out by its accuracy and 3D printing speed. High resolution surface, maximum dimensional accuracy and stability meet the high demands of model production. Market leading fast curing resin leads to faster model production and lower costs.
TGM-7 was designed specifically for 3D printing tabletop gaming miniatures. Perfect balance between stiffness, impact resistance and flex was found to protect miniatures from breaking when dropped or in heated gaming sessions. This 3D printing resin allows capturing most detailed miniatures with its hard, non-sticky and paintable surface. More flexibility, less fragility.
Anycubic 类ABS树脂+ 坚韧易用 强韧配方 | 高精易用 | 长效保持
Ultracur3D® RG 3280 具有高含量的陶瓷颗粒,使其具有约 10 GPa 的极高模量和 280°C 以上的 HDT B。 此外,尽管固含量高,但该树脂能保持较低粘度且几乎没有颗粒沉降,这使得该树脂非常易于处理和打印。 其高刚度和耐温性使其成为3D打印工具、模具和风洞测试的理想材料。 该材料具有白色陶瓷般的颜色和触感。
X-One® is the real meltable resin developed and produce by BlueCast® for DLP and Monochromatic LCD machines. Thanks to the low temperature melting polymer it ensures smooth surface finish and perfect lettering. X-One® was developed by BLueCast R&D in order to allow perfect casting results with any kind of investments and burnout cycles. X-One® is the first castable resin with 0% shrinkage and an extreme dimensional stability.